Thursday, June 26, 2014

Coaching Myths

 Over the years, I've heard numerous misunderstandings about coaching. Here are three common myths countered by truths that hopefully will clarify misconceptions about the coaching profession.

Myth: Coaching is an alternative for counseling.

Truth: Coaching is all about transformation and growth, which means there must be a degree of health in order for the client to move forward. Counseling or therapy is effective for those people or issues where there is a degree of unhealth. A counselor steps into the person's past and helps them find necessary healing so they can function well in their present. A coach helps move a person from the present to the future.

Myth: Coaches are consultants who are called by a different title.

Truth: Coaching and consulting are vastly different. In a consulting conversation, the consultant is the expert. He listens, assesses and gives his recommendations. In a coaching conversation, the client is the expert. The coach merely listens and responds with questions that will encourage clarity, self-discovery and new awareness. Any action steps are designed by the client and affirmed by the coach.

Myth: Anyone who calls herself a coach is qualified to coach.

Truth: Professional credentialed coaches invest years of time and resources to become the most effective coaches possible. Professional coaches are trained, tested and assessed, and they abide by a high standard of ethics.When seeking out a coach, it is extremely important to verify credentials.

What myths have you heard about coaching? How do you counter those myths? Please share your thoughts.